Dear World,
I left Paris to settle in the countryside four years ago. But in France, when you want to work for the movie industry, like I do, when you want to be an acknowledged artist, you have to live in Paris.
At least, that’s what everybody says.
Don’t get me wrong. Paris is a very beautiful city; maybe one of the most beautiful in the world. But like every major city around the globe, it’s stressful, rent is really expensive for almost no space, and the air is filthy.
So four years ago, I decided to move away with my girlfriend. It was a bold move, since we both worked for the movie industry at the time. But with the shoots we were doing requiring us to travel all around France we were almost never home. So we questioned: if our work moved us around all the time, why should we rest in a small and expensive flat on the 7th floor of a concrete building, and not in a calm and pretty house in the countryside? The day I made the decision to move is the day I realized that having an edible garden was one of the conditions for my life to be successful.
When I was younger, I thought being successful in life was related to making a lot of money or being famous. But growing up I realized, if you don’t miss out of anything , there is no real interest to make more money and fame has no real purpose in life, and the inconvenient look far worse than the advantages.
You always think that you have to work hard, so one day you can retire in the countryside, take time to do some gardening, and finally spend quality time with your family. But why wait being old to do so? Why not set your life to do it now!? What’s stopping you?
So we moved. But, it wasn’t always easy. We make less money, there are fewer work opportunities, we live far away from our friends who stayed in Paris and we have to take the car in to work every day. But life is way less expensive, we have a whole lot more of free time, and with all the rooms in our house, we always have someone wanting to come for a visit and enjoy our quality of life.
And then the Covid-19 hit France and we had to stay at home. And suddenly every little advantage of living in the countryside became a great privilege. For two months we have been feeling lucky. But it’s not luck, it’s a choice we made. The choice to succeed in our lives because we wanted an edible garden.
I realized having an edible garden
was one of the conditions for my life to be successful.
I left Paris to settle in the countryside four years ago. But in France, when you want to work for the movie industry, like I do, when you want to be an acknowledged artist, you have to live in Paris.
At least, that’s what everybody says.
Don’t get me wrong. Paris is a very beautiful city; maybe one of the most beautiful in the world. But like every major city around the globe, it’s stressful, rent is really expensive for almost no space, and the air is filthy.
So four years ago, I decided to move away with my girlfriend. It was a bold move, since we both worked for the movie industry at the time. But with the shoots we were doing requiring us to travel all around France we were almost never home. So we questioned: if our work moved us around all the time, why should we rest in a small and expensive flat on the 7th floor of a concrete building, and not in a calm and pretty house in the countryside? The day I made the decision to move is the day I realized that having an edible garden was one of the conditions for my life to be successful.
When I was younger, I thought being successful in life was related to making a lot of money or being famous. But growing up I realized, if you don’t miss out of anything , there is no real interest to make more money and fame has no real purpose in life, and the inconvenient look far worse than the advantages.
You always think that you have to work hard, so one day you can retire in the countryside, take time to do some gardening, and finally spend quality time with your family. But why wait being old to do so? Why not set your life to do it now!? What’s stopping you?
So we moved. But, it wasn’t always easy. We make less money, there are fewer work opportunities, we live far away from our friends who stayed in Paris and we have to take the car in to work every day. But life is way less expensive, we have a whole lot more of free time, and with all the rooms in our house, we always have someone wanting to come for a visit and enjoy our quality of life.
And then the Covid-19 hit France and we had to stay at home. And suddenly every little advantage of living in the countryside became a great privilege. For two months we have been feeling lucky. But it’s not luck, it’s a choice we made. The choice to succeed in our lives because we wanted an edible garden.
Ma Vie J'ai Reussi (My Life Is Successful)
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