Dear World,
One cold dark night an ex-partner and I headed home from an afternoon of arguments and silence.
One cold dark night an ex-partner and I headed home from an afternoon of arguments and silence. I took the driver’s seat, I wanted something to focus on, I wanted control. The path home was a long winding road. Hugging every corner I swayed through the icy pavement letting my mind slip. Hateful words spilled out of his mouth, I forgot he existed for a moment confusing his breath for the breeze. I turned, asked him to say it with his chest, then I lost the breath in mine. The ice took control, the fragility of my existence now housed in metal and glass. The car spun and spun and spun. My mind fixated on how my story might end; in a car, with someone I am growing to destain, and dead by my own hands. The car went into the grass and came to a sliding halt. My body was shaking and my head still spinning. I stepped out to freshly watered grass and dewy skies that masked my wet cheeks. It was over but my story wasn’t.
One cold dark night an ex-partner and I headed home from an afternoon of arguments and silence.
One cold dark night an ex-partner and I headed home from an afternoon of arguments and silence. I took the driver’s seat, I wanted something to focus on, I wanted control. The path home was a long winding road. Hugging every corner I swayed through the icy pavement letting my mind slip. Hateful words spilled out of his mouth, I forgot he existed for a moment confusing his breath for the breeze. I turned, asked him to say it with his chest, then I lost the breath in mine. The ice took control, the fragility of my existence now housed in metal and glass. The car spun and spun and spun. My mind fixated on how my story might end; in a car, with someone I am growing to destain, and dead by my own hands. The car went into the grass and came to a sliding halt. My body was shaking and my head still spinning. I stepped out to freshly watered grass and dewy skies that masked my wet cheeks. It was over but my story wasn’t.
Winding Roads
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